7 Steps to becoming a celebrity spray tan artist

Heidi Reid

Posted on July 30 2014

So you love to stand behind a gun but need the tips to go from being a bronzer beginner to a spray tan super hero.

1) Tan.  That's right.  Repetition is the key.  You are only as good as your last spray tan, and Rome wasn't built in a day.  The more skin you tan, the more confidence you gain.  You'll develop your own style and will learn how to fix the mistakes that come from being too green (your ability, not your tan that is).

2) Technique.  You can invest an absolute fortune in learning how the pros do it but really, it's quite simple you need the right technique.  You don't know what you don't know, but what you do know is that there are more people out there doing dodgy spray tans than good ones.  The more you practice the more you'll be able to nail your technique. 

3) Tools.  Essentially to be a success you need the right technique, but also the right tools.  Don't go to your local hardware store and buy yourself a cheap spray painting gun. All guns are not created equal and the reality is that the pressure of the hardware store paint guns are far too strong for spray tanning.  You are not looking to push a heavy paint through your gun's needle, but rather a fine light solution.  Your PSI should be under 10 to create a truly HVLP which stands for High Volume Low Pressure air flow.  Go online and see what you can pick up.  Most reputable tanning brands will offer a warranty on equipment.  Here's the tan machine we suggest.

4) Talent You can do this.  By investing yourself into wanting to be the best tanner you can, you are already a country mile above many of the tanning 'professional' population.  Learn from the best, and take advantage of online training resources such as our free 'how to spray tan online' webinar to get all the latest information so you can truly shine.

5) Tackle Here is where you want to grab as many people as you can to practice on.  No two bodies are ever going to be the same, nor are the tanning conditions that you'll be spraying in.  There are so many variables to completing the perfect celebrity style spray tan -from humidity, hair factor, how close your range is to your client and so on.  The more you can practice the better your talents become.

6) Truth is that people are 6 times are likely to purchase from you again if they already have.  Just think about what odds these increase to when people are infront of you naked.  They've already stripped off for their sunless tan application in front of you, and unless you mess it up royaly you have a pretty good chance of getting them to return.  Offer them the very best of your service and take into consideration the no to low cost add on things you can do to really make a difference to your client and to ensure they become a repeat business and advocator for you.

7) Tan.  Again.  Still.  Think about all the skills that you learned.  You didn't learn them in a day.  The longer you practice the better you'll be.  In no time you'll go from sweeping up spills to sculpting down abs.  Have patience have belief in yourself and go for it - just tan.  You can.

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